man hand stop sign

5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Insurance Company After An Accident

June 26, 2024

Let's face it - getting into a car accident is no picnic. One minute you're cruising along, and the next you're dealing with a mess of paperwork, repairs, and insurance claims. It's stressful, to say the least. But here's the thing: what you say to your insurance company in the aftermath can make a big difference in how your claim plays out.

Why Your Words Matter

Insurance adjusters are like detectives - they're listening carefully to everything you say, looking for clues that might affect your claim. It's not that they're out to get you, but their job is to protect the company's interests. So you need to be smart about what you tell them.

Key Statements to Avoid

Admitting Fault

This is a biggie. Even if you think you might have caused the accident, don't say it. Determining fault is complicated, and there might be factors you're not aware of. For example, did you know that in non-fault claims, the other driver might be held responsible even if you think you made a mistake? So keep your opinions to yourself and stick to the facts.

Speculating or Guessing

If you're not sure about something, it's okay to say "I don't know" or "I'm not certain." Don't try to fill in the blanks with guesses. For instance, if you're asked about your speed at the time of the accident and you're not sure, don't throw out a number. It's better to be honest about what you don't know than to say something that might come back to haunt you later.

Minimising Injuries or Damages

You might be tempted to tough it out and say "I'm fine" right after the accident. But here's the thing: some injuries don't show up right away. That little twinge in your neck could turn into a major problem down the line. So don't downplay any injuries or damage to your vehicle - it's better to get checked out and be sure. 

Accepting a Settlement Too Soon

Insurance companies often try to settle quickly, and they might offer you what seems like a good deal right off the bat. But hold your horses - once you accept a settlement, you can't go back and ask for more if you realise your injuries are worse than you thought. It's usually best to wait until you have a full picture of your damages and medical expenses before agreeing to anything.

You can take a look at our blog on car accident severity differences for more information on how car accidents are graded and what you might be entitled to.

Providing Recorded Statements Without Preparation

If the insurance company asks for a recorded statement, take a breath and think it through - you have the right to prepare and even to consult with a lawyer first. Don't feel pressured to give a statement on the spot, especially if you're still shaken up from the accident.

Tips for Communicating with Insurance

oman shows a silence gesture touching by index finger her lips

Stick to the Facts

When you're talking to your insurance company, imagine you're a news reporter. Just give the who, what, when, and where of the accident. Leave out opinions and emotional language. For example, instead of saying "The other driver came out of nowhere like a maniac!" you could say, "The other vehicle entered the intersection as I was passing through."

Consult with Legal Professionals

If you're dealing with a serious accident or you're not sure about your rights, it might be worth talking to a lawyer specialising in car accident claims; they can help you understand the process and make sure you're not saying anything that could hurt your claim.

Document Everything

Keep a record of all your communications with the insurance company: write down who you talked to, when, and what was said. If you send emails or letters, keep copies. This can be super helpful if there are any disputes later on.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you feel okay, it's a good idea to get checked out by a doctor after an accident. Some injuries aren't obvious right away, and having medical records can be important for your claim.

Protecting Your Interests

Remember, the goal here isn't to be dishonest with your insurance company. It's about being careful and protecting your interests. Insurance claims can get complicated, and what seems like a harmless comment could end up reducing your compensation.

By being mindful of what you say, sticking to the facts, and seeking help when you need it, you'll be in a much better position to navigate the claims process successfully. And if you're ever in doubt, don't be afraid to take a step back and say, "I need some time to think about this" or "I'd like to consult with someone before answering."

Ultimately, dealing with insurance after an accident isn't anyone's idea of fun, but with these tips in mind, you'll be better equipped to handle the situation. Stay calm, stay factual, and remember - you've got this.