medical report form and a stethoscope

The Importance of Medical Report for Traffic Accident Claims

June 26, 2024

You've just been in a car accident, you're sore, stressed, and the last thing you want is more paperwork. But here's the deal: if you're planning to make a claim, that medical report isn't just another form to fill out - it's your ticket to getting fair compensation. Let's break down why it's such a big deal.

What's a Traffic Accident Claim?

First off, let's get on the same page about what we're talking about. A traffic accident claim is basically you saying, "Hey, I got hurt in an accident that wasn't my fault, and I shouldn't have to pay for it." It could be anything from a minor bump to a serious crash.

The Medical Report

Now, about that medical report. It's not just a quick note from your GP saying you're a bit banged up, but a detailed document that spells out exactly what happened to your body because of the accident. Think of it as your injuries' official biography.

Why Bother with a Medical Report?

You might be wondering why you need to go through all this hassle. Can't you just tell everyone you're hurt and be done with it? Well, not quite. Here's why that report is so crucial:

It Proves You're Actually Injured

First off, it shows you're not just putting it on. The report gives a professional assessment of your injuries. And it's not just about the obvious stuff like cuts and bruises. A proper medical exam might uncover injuries you didn't even know you had. Ever heard of someone walking away from an accident feeling fine, only to wake up the next day barely able to move? That's the kind of thing a thorough medical exam can catch.

It Shows the Accident Caused Your Injuries

This is where things get a bit legal; the report helps prove that your injuries were caused by the accident, not by something else. Trust us, insurance companies love to argue that your bad back was pre-existing or that neck pain is from sleeping funny, not from the crash. A good medical report shuts down those arguments quickly and smartly.

It Maps Out Your Treatment

The report also lays out what treatment you need, both now and down the road. This is crucial for figuring out how much compensation you should get. It's not just about covering the paracetamol you bought on the way home from the accident - it's about making sure you're covered for any long-term physio or other treatments you might need.

Getting Your Hands on a Medical Report

So how do you actually get one of these reports? There are usually two ways:

The Full Medical Exam

Close up of Female Doctor using stethoscope

This is the most common route. You'll see a doctor who'll give you a thorough once-over, focusing on your accident-related injuries. They'll ask about the accident, examine you, and might order some tests. It's more comprehensive than your typical GP visit.

The Records Review

Sometimes, especially for non-fault claims, a medical expert might just review your existing medical records instead of examining you in person. This is more common for minor injuries or when you've already got a stack of medical documents from your treatment.

How This Report Affects Your Claim

Now, let's talk about how this report actually impacts your claim:

It's Your Witness

In the world of insurance claims, your medical report is like your star witness; it's objective, professional, and carries a lot of weight. Without it, you're essentially asking people to take your word for it - and let's face it, in the world of insurance, that doesn't count for much.

It Helps Determine Your Compensation

Insurance companies will pore over your medical report to figure out how much they should pay you. They'll look at how bad your injuries are, what treatment you need, and how long you'll be affected. All of this helps them put a number on your claim.

By the way, it's worth noting that who pays for your medical expenses can vary depending on the accident - if you're curious about that, check out our info on responsibility for medical expenses in non-fault accidents.

The Bottom Line

Look, we get it. After an accident, the last thing you want is more appointments and paperwork. But here's the thing: that medical report could be the difference between getting proper compensation and getting short-changed. It's not just about proving you're hurt - it's about making sure you're covered for everything you've been through and might face in the future.

So if you've been in an accident and you're thinking about making a claim, don't skimp on this step. Get yourself properly checked out, get that medical report, and give yourself the best shot at a fair claim. Your future self will thank you for it.